
ZONING AND THE PROPERTY OWNER: All construction activities require zoning review and approval before Construction Permits can be submitted to the DCA (State Department of Community Affairs). The first step is for the homeowner/property owner/tenant or agent to submit a Zoning Permit Application to the Zoning Office for project review/compliance with the Zoning Ordinances. Additions, alterations, swimming pools, decks, gazebos, garages, barns, permanent standby generators, roof mounted solar, and sheds of any size are just a few examples of construction requiring review. Zoning review is also required for the proper display of a residence address, tree removal, driveway installation, driveway alteration or paving, outdoor lighting; signs, and alternative energy projects (i.e. solar panels). The Zoning Permit Application is also available at the Municipal Building.  

When submitting the zoning permit, along with a plot plan or survey, provide the location and dimensions of all existing and proposed development including the area of the lot and proposed setbacks from property lines, including also designation of any trees to be removed.  See example here

Zoning permits are also required for change of use - residential, i.e. converting a garage to an office/living space, an attic to a bedroom, or finishing a basement; change of use - commercial, i.e. converting a building or unit.  

The Township of Union is comprised of multiple zoning districts, each with its own particular minimum home site, yard, and building requirements. These requirements include minimum front, side and rear yard setbacks, maximum lot coverage, habitable floor area and structure height. You can view the Township Zoning Map. A large version of the Zoning Map is posted in the Zoning Office or you may call the Zoning Office for zoning classification.

To determine the requirements and limitations that apply in a particular zoning district, the home owner may review the appropriate zoning ordinance, visit this website under “Township Code”, review a copy of the Zoning Ordinance at the Zoning Office, or simply discuss the project with the Zoning Officer. at the Union Township Municipal Building, 140 Perryville Road, Hampton, New Jersey. You may drop off a completed zoning application anytime during regular business hours or the drop box attached to the Municipal Building. You can also communicate with the Zoning Office via email at zoning@uniontwp-hcnj.org or by voicemail at (908-735-8027) extension 19.

If the homeowner’s proposed project does not comply with the Zoning Ordinance for certain reasons, a variance might be obtained from the Board of Adjustment. Note: the Zoning Officer is charged with the responsibility of enforcing the Zoning Ordinances and may not waive its requirements: that power is granted by law to the Board of Adjustment. If the project does require a variance, the Zoning Officer will explain the process and guide you towards the Planning Board/ Board of Adjustment.
If you are selling your home, a Smoke Detector Fire Safety Certification from the State is required.  A certificate of occupancy is not required for a home sale.