Roads & Facilities
The Department of Roads and Facilities (DR&F) is responsible for general road and pothole repairs, park maintenance, snow removal, and roadside mowing and maintenance. For road problems, please call 908-735-6689 and leave a message. For night time emergency road problems, please call the State Police at 908-730-6100.
No leaves and/or brush are picked up by the Township. Residents are urged to recycle same on their property.
Parking of vehicles on township roads between the hours of 8pm and 6am from November 15 until April 1 of each year is NOT permitted. "It shall be unlawful for any person to place, move, put, or cause, allow or permit to be placed, moved, or put, by shovel, brush, rake, plow, snow blower, or in any other manner, snow, ice or similar substances, into, on or across any public roadway, street or right of way located within the Township of Union, whether paved or unpaved, except within undeveloped rights of way owned by the same person.” (Ordinance 96-4)