- Abandon Cars On Street: State Police - 908-730-6100
- Abandon Cars Off Street: Zoning Office 908-735-8027 x19
- Abandoned Structures: Hunterdon Cty Department of Health - 908 788-1351
- Accident Reports: State Police - 908-730-6100
- Additions and New Zoning Office 908-735-8027 x19
- Inspections: NJ Department of Community Affairs - 908-713-0722
- Affordable Housing: Hunterdon Ctty Division of Social Service - 908-788-1300
- Stray Dogs/Cats: Animal Control Office 908-537-7663
- Dead Deer on Municipal Roads: Township Clerk 908-735-8027 x10
- Property Tax Assessment: Tax Assessor 908 735-8027 x14
- Birth Certificates (if born in Union):Township Clerk 908-735-8027 x10
- Block & Lot: Tax Collector 908-735-8027 x13
- Board of Public Utilities: State of NJ- 1-800-624-0241
- Building Plan Copies: NJ Department of Community Affairs - 908-713-0722
- Building Permits: Zoning Office 908-735-8027 x19
- Budget & Finance Inquires: Finance Office 908-735-8027 x13
- Death Certificates: Township Clerk 908-735-8027 x10
- Building/Construction Inspections: NJ Department of Community Affairs - 908-713-0722
- Deed Inquires: Hunterdon County Clerk - 908-788-1221
- Demolitions: Zoning Office 908-735-8027 x19
- Development Questions: Zoning Office 908-735-8027 x19
- Dog Licenses: Township Clerk 908-735-8027 x10
- Driveways: Zoning Office 908-735-8027 x19
- Economic Development: Mayor/Deputy Mayor
- Electric Utility Issues/Complaints/Outages: Jersey Central Power & Lights- 1-800-6623115 / Outages: 1 (888) LIGHTSS
- Farmland Preservation: Mayor or Agricultural Advisory Committee
- Fences: Zoning Office 908-735-8027 x19
- Health (medical) Emergencies: 9-1-1
- Landlord Registration: Township Clerk 908-735-8027 x10
- Marriage License Application: Township Clerk 908-735-8027 x10
- Municipal Code: Ordinances
- Noise Complaints: State Police - 908-730-6100
- Open Space Preservation: Environmental Commission
- Overcrowding (illegal multi-family dwellings): Zoning Office 908-735-8027 x19
- Parks
- Maintenance: Department of Roads & Facilities 908 735-6689, please leave a message
- Program Information& Registration
- Property Maintenance: Zoning Office 908-735-8027 x19
- Property Tax Assessment: Tax Assessor 908 735-8027 x14
- Property Tax Bills:Tax Collector 908-735-8027 x11
- Property Tax Maps:Maps Section
- Purchase Orders: Finance Office 908-735-8027 x13
- Public Heath Nuisances: Hunterdon Cty Department of Health - 908 788-1351
- Recycling Coordinator - Matt Boyden - 908-442-5220
- Road Improvements: Department of Roads & Facilities 908 735-6689, please leave a message
- Rodent Complaint: Hunterdon Cty Department of Health - 908 788-1351 • School Information:
- o Elementary School: 908-735-5511
- o Middle School: 908-735-5511
- o High School
- o Union Township School District
- Senior Citizens Programs
- Senior Citizens Taxes:Tax Collector
- Septic Percolation Tests (permeability test): Van Cleef Engineering 908-735-9500
- Septic System: Hunterdon Cty Department of Health - 908 788-1351
- Site Plan Copies: NJ Department of Community Affairs - 908-713-0722
- Smoke Detectors: NJ Department of Community Affairs - 908-713-0722
- Snow Removal: Department of Roads & Facilities 908 735-6689, please leave a message
- Soil Disturbance, Importation, Removal Permits: Hunterdon County Soil Conservation District - 908-788-9466
- Street Openings (including curbs & sidewalks):Township Clerk908-735-8027 x10
- Subdivision Applications: Zoning Office908-735-8027 x19
- Survey (general questions): NJ Department of Community Affairs - 908-713-0722
- Swimming Pool:
- New:Zoning Office 908-735-8027 x19
- Inspections: NJ Department of Community Affairs - 908-713-0722
- Tanks-Fuel Oil (installation & removal): NJ Department of Community Affairs - 908-713-0722
- Trees Overhanging Sidewalks & Roads: Department of Roads & Facilities 908 735-6689, please leave a message
- Tree Removal: Department of Roads & Facilities 908 735-6689, please leave a message
- Tree Removal Permits:Zoning Office 908-735-8027 x19
- Veteran's Taxes:Tax Assessor 908 735-8027 x14
- Voter Registration:Township Clerk 908-735-8027 x10
- Well Installation / Abandonment: Hunterdon County Department of Health - 908-788-1351
- Zoning Maps: Maps Section
- Zoning Questions: Zoning Office 908-735-8027 x19